3 Bed 3 Bath townhome (2050sqft) with detached 2 car garage and a 1 Bed 1 Bath studio apartment (400sqft). Located in Middlesound's Demarest Village neighborhood.
Home has been recently updated with new kitchen and master bath. The apartment is equipped with kitchen, bath, and washer / dryer with its own private entrance. Apartment cannot be subletted or Air BnB. Private fenced in back yard with deck and outdoor shower.
Demarest Village has a community pool, parks, and playgrounds. Property is districted for Ogden, Nobel, and Laney schools. Rent includes neighborhood amenities, trash and recycling. No students.
Broker/Owner. Call Broker for appointments
Nearby Schools
OgdenElementary School
NobleMiddle School
LaneyHigh School
Listed By

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